Showing posts with label stars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stars. Show all posts

Friday, March 18, 2011

We are Literally Star Dust

When the “Big Bang” occured some 14 billion years ago, the only two elements created were hydrogen and helium.

Yet there are over 100 chemical elements. Where do they come from?

We know today that they are forged in the nuclear furnaces of stars, scattered about in exploding supernovae.

Oxygen, chlorine, sodium, potassium, calcium, nitrogen, iron, carbon… all heavy elements are created and released when a dying star explodes. Supernovae eject these into galaxies and around other stars and planets. Eventually they coalesce to form you… and me.

So everything in your body, in my hands typing right now, what comes together in our brains to create “mind”, all came from a star. A sun.

We are quite literally stardust. These are not theories. This is law.

Granted, it is poetic. Somewhat magical even. But it is mathematical, physical and chemical axiom.

So next time we look up at the night sky and stand in wonder at the stars and galaxies, we are literally, undeviatingly, completely and wholly, the Universe Itself looking back on Itself and staring in awe at Itself.

We are stardust. We are the Universe. We are whole.

I am never broken!

I may be bruised. I may even hurt. But I am not broken. I am whole.